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Music Theory Trauma

Music Theory Trauma

This is my first writing on music theory trauma, a term I am defining as (working definition), "any negative music learning experience associated with music theory, emotions of anxiety, fear, and insecurity formed while learning music theory in classes, lessons, or experienced in public performance, all contributing to varying degrees of a lower sense of self worth as a musician."

As with all online trolling and negative comments, these music theory reactions stem from wounds experienced earlier in some kind of music learning environment that created shame. While an endless number of factors could have influenced that sense of shame, the negative reaction (such as a public hate comment) is evidence that these wounds have not been healed. The comment really has nothing to do with the original issue or event at hand. As someone who regularly witnesses deep-rooted negativity around my discipline, it has taken this point to really sink in and not take anything personally.

music teachers aren't charging enough, Music Theory Shop

Music Teachers Aren't Charging Enough

I've read dozens and dozens of Music Teacher Studio Policies, and the majority of educators are undercharging their services for private lessons, resulting in leaving money on the table, and, creating serious implications for music education as a whole.

Many of you know that I am an advocate for music educators, and I want us to sit in our worth. If the majority of music teachers are lowering their fees, it devalues all of us.

What Should I Charge for Music Lessons?? 😳

What Should I Charge for Music Lessons?? 😳

*Music Executives $150-$300K+
Music Tech $80-$150K+
Music Educators $25-$90K (non-admin)

If you're a music educator, those figures feel like a slap in the face. In comparison with all other music industry-related yearly salaries, it is a fact that music educators are the LEAST compensated. I believe that we live in a culture (U.S.A.) in which education, in general, is not respected and valued in terms of compensation. This isn't a controversial statement if you are in education.

For the amount of financial investment into our own musical training, the ROI (return on investment) is most often not there.

In this article, I'm going to tell you what you need to charge for teaching individual music lessons (instrumental, voice, theory, musicianship).