Licensing Agreement - Copyright
By downloading these printables/templates/digital downloads, you agree to the following conditions.
Digital downloads, templates, and printables are single-person use only. Templates and PDFs may not be shared between teachers.
Digital downloads, templates, and printables may not be resold.
Digital downloads, templates, and printables designs may not be copied.
All templates can be used for PERSONAL use only, unlimited personal use.
Commercial use requires additional license and terms. Please contact Music Theory Shop for commercial use.
Digital downloads, templates, and printables are non-refundable. Please contact Music Theory Shopif you need additional information prior to purchase.
Copyright Malia Jade Roberson 2021
Some graphics used in designs are licensed by Music Theory Shop for commercial use. Some graphics are hand drawn or digitally created by Malia. Graphics that are editable are free in Canva. All graphics by Music Theory Shop are locked as part of the template and cannot be edited.